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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Interview Hikmah about the case of the Rocket accidents

There's a lips on his shirt and the lips is belongs to Hikmah.
When Syeikh Muzaphar Syukor already take off he saw and alien named: Alien Cipah, Alien Zubaidah an also Alien Ruzana and Natasya Asyikin.
Then when his taking off, he found a new planet and he name the planet is 'Planet Hikmah'
its their 5th anniversary. But they only have two children.
The Alien he saw was Alien Ruzana who named the Alien and also Alien Zubaidah.
Yes Syeikh Muzaphar Syukor was cheating Hikmah. Before that, they've having a fun time at Planet Hikmah.
Shindhujaa know about the Rocket accident. Before his taking off, he ask Hikmah for Permission. So, Hikmah said NO. At the outta space Syeikh Muzaphar Syulor saw a restaurant  and the name of the restaurant Pizza Hut and Secret Receipi. And yes Syeikh Muzaphar Syukor was cheating with Alien Ruzana and how did Ruzana turn into a human you ask? She injek-injek and botox there botox here and she get the antidote to become an Alien again at her own plane(Planet Pluto)
Hikmah is sad cause she saw Alien Ruzana bercouple-couple with Syeikh Muzaphar Syukor