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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Paris Hilton -- Old Reliable

There is something safe and comforting about seeing Paris Hilton party it up in Las Vegas like the free and single woman that she is.

To further hearken back to her heyday, Paris was joined at Vanity in the Hard Rock by sister Nicky, greasy BFF Brandon Davis, and Lil Jon.

Read more:

Ghost Lights | Origins, Legends, Well Known Sightings and Science

One of my greatest thrills when I was young was listening to ghost stories around the campfire. I remember a popular theme in those stories were tales of seemingly inexplicable lights floating... lights that were actually spirits from beyond the grave. I am no longer a child, but those tales still fascinate me. They always involved an unrested spirit, usually of the Kickapoo and Illini nations that once roamed the area I live in. In these accounts, the spirit was angry and vengeful, seeking retribution for their burial ground being desecrated.
Many of these stories are just that... something strange may have been sighted, and a legend was born, growing over time. However, there are documented cases all over the world of these bizarre light forms. Scientifically, these lights have been shown to be gasses coming from the ground, or the more rare phenomenon of "earth lights" that show up around fault lines. Does this explain all of the sightings? It's quite likely they do... and yet the interest and speculations continue.

Ghost Lights Origins and Legends

Accounts of these strange lights go back to before Biblical times... when people felt they were getting a message from God or higher beings. These weren't generally attributed to ghosts... rather it was believed that something celestial or divine was at work. In the tenth century A.D., one of the first English Kings known as Edward the Martyr was quite possibly murdered by his own stepmother. It is said that a year after his death, the sky over the area where the body was supposed to be hidden lit up with a strange orange light that almost seemed to be a ball of fire.
More recorded sightings appeared throughout the 11th and 12th centuries, especially in Europe. These strange balls of light came to be known by such phrases as "Will-o'-the-wisp" or "corpse candles". Even the jack-o-lantern we all enjoy as part of Halloween has roots in the legends of these lights. Often, they simply appear as one, but there are many incidents reported of there being several. These lights gave speculation not only of ghosts, but of extraterrestrials as well.

Ghost Lights Well-Known Sightings

Many local legends all over the world have stories about the lights. Some involve a railroad worker who was tragically killed by an oncoming train and now walks the tracks represented as a bobbing light. Others speak of vengeful spirits from the nations indigenous to the United States. Many reputedly haunted cemeteries and abandoned wastelands also have accounts of these floating orbs. Along with these legends are well known documented cases of what have come to be known as "ghost lights".
Nuremberg incident of 1561Nuremberg Incident Woodcut
One case that led many to speculate the possibility of these lights having an extraterrestrial nature was the Nuremberg incident of 1561. It is said that in early April, spheres of light shot across the atmosphere, along with shapes of cylinders and crosses. As depicted in a woodcut (before photography, a way to record an image by carving it on a block of wood), it appeared there was a celestial battle going on right before the shocked townspeople's eyes.
Another early documentation of such phenomenon occurred in Cardinshire, Wales in 1656. These lights appeared to have been more of a "ghostly" nature, as they were round spheres of light that circled around in the area of the town, and sometimes even inside the homes themselves. A man named John Davis wrote these incidents down as they happened, and there were many superstitions that the balls of light appeared before someone in the town died.
Throughout the next several hundred years, accounts of seeing these lights would continue. There were variations of course... some were small globes of white seen floating in almost a bobbing fashion, and others were bright orange spheres that appeared ominously in the sky or near the ground. Many of these incidents have gained national attention in the last century. One of the most famous of these would be the Marfa Lights in Texas.

The Marfa Lights

LightsThe Marfa Lights
If you travel down U.S. Route 67 in the state of Texas, pay special attention when you are close to Mitchell Flat. This area, just to the east of the town of Marfa is home to many accounts of strange, brightly glowing spheres of light. The lights are reported as either hovering close to the ground or being up higher in the air. While there are no documented cases of this before an article in 1957, it is said that the stories of the lights had been passed down since the later 19th century. The article, called "The Mystery of the Texas Ghost Light" was written by Paul Moran, and was featured in Coronet Magazine.
One fact of this particular case needs to be noted however...when a group of students from a psychic's society studied this phenomenon, they found that the traffic from U.S. Highway 67 can be seen from the area where the lights have been reported. It is also noted that the study was conducted southwest of the reported viewing area, which only explains the lights that are seen in that particular spot. Explanations such as extreme temperature changes in this region creating mirages, or the thermal expanding and contracting of the quartz in the area causing a voltage effect over time have also been examined. Whether there is a natural explanation or not, the people of Marfa enjoy their notoriety, and have the Marfa Lights festival every year.

Project Hessdalen

Project HessdalenProject Hessdalen
Hessdalen Valley lies in the heart of Norway, and is home to many sightings of strange lights. These accounts began in the latter part of 1981 and continued through the middle part of the decade. The reports were so numerous that an investigation, called Project Hessdalen, was launched in 1983. A studied observation of the phenomenon happened in the early part of 1984. During this, fifty-three recorded sightings of these lights occurred in a time frame of just over one month. Another investigation in the later part of 1985 yielded no recorded results. In 1998, technology came into play and an automatic measurement station was placed in the Hessdalen Valley. This records any data that shows up so that it can be analyzed. There are still sightings of these strange spheres of light in this area, but they have decreased to a little more than a dozen each year.

Ghost Lights ~ What Science Has To Say

In the possible explanations for these sightings that seem to occur at random and in all different areas of the world, logic and reasoning must be applied. Some of these lights can be attributed to simple gasses that come from the ground, especially in damp or marshy areas. Phosphine and methane naturally occur in ground that is decaying from the inside. When these gasses come in contact with the air, their appearance can be that of a glow or a shimmer... often appearing in spherical form.
In 1993, Drs. J.S. Derr and M.A. Persinger, two professors, took a book written by Paul Devereux in 1982 called "Earth Lights" a step further. The tectonic strain theory offers that the earth itself holds the explanation to these lights. Minerals such as quartz or arsenic that occur naturally in the ground produce an electrical charge. This is noted especially along fault lines. When these strains occur, rocks and soil increase in temperature, turning any water into vapor. If the heated area contains any of these minerals that produce electricity, it is thought that the charge itself could move through the vaporized water... causing a ball of light to appear.
Other explanations vary from types of biological fungus from the ground that emits a glow, to ball lightening occurrences, to simple light reflections that optically appear to be coming from another location. Another famous case, the Paulding Lights of Michigan, have been theorized by some as reflections of headlights from the highway that runs along side where most of the sightings are.
A lot has been learned about what can cause this strange phenomenon to happen. However, that doesn't lessen the interest or fascination with these lights when they are seen. Many have been explained... a few are still puzzling those who study them. One thing is for certain... the earth is full of mysteries that we are only beginning to comprehend.
Written by Angela Sangster, Copyright 2010 all rights reserved.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

the fullest and happy day ever!!!!!!!!

Today is like so full
my perut is already senak!
and I'm happy cause Today I'm eating kenny roagest
like so O.M.G

and I'm so dam hungry

Friday, April 23, 2010

Lady Gaga Fan Storms Stage In Japan

A Lady Gaga concert in Japan was disrupted on Saturday night after an overzealous fan leaped on stage and confronted the singer.
The Poker Face hitmaker was performing at the JPN Yokohama Arena in Yokohama, Japan as part of her Monster Ball World Tour when a concertgoer hopped over the security barrier and jumped on stage during “Bad Romance.”
The admirer then fell into a prayer position in front of the star, who quickly bolted to the other side of the stage as two of her dancers dragged the fan away.



Lady Gaga Plastic Surgery?

Over the past two years, Lady Gaga has risen from virtual obscurity to become one of the biggest pop stars of the past decade, but according to salacious new scoop from London’s Now Magazine, the singer is suffering from such low self-esteem she wants to go under the knife to rid herself on her insecurities.

“She’s desperately unhappy but keeps talking about having thousands of dollars worth of plastic surgery,” one nervous tipster divulges. “She really thinks that could fix everything. She’s in a really bad way right now. She puts up such a guard that no-one ever really knows what she’s feeling. She thinks she looks too manly and spends hours looking at herself.”

Selena Gomez Picture Gallery 156 September 8th, 2008 by William

Selena Gomez as child
Selena Gomez on Barney and Friends as a child
PopCrunch is looking for all the Selena Gomez pictures we can get our hands on. We think she’s one of the next huge stars, so keep watching this space as this photo gallery grows with more pics of the young Disney star. I’m sure we’ll have lots to add as Gomez will soon be pushing her first ever album.

Selena Gomez on Wizards of Waverly
Selena Gomez on her Disney show Wizards of Waverly.

Selena Gomez stylish, yes or no? Have to lean yes here, she wears some pretty cute stuff.
Selena Gomez with Nick Jonas
Gomez with long rumored love interest Nick Jonas. The Jonas rumors were at the root of a supposed feud with Miley Cyrus, but Cyrus and Gomez extinguished any talk that the two aren’t anything but good friends. Smart businesswomen.
Selena Gomez drinking a milkshake
Selena Gomez apparently is a fan of Johnny Rockets. Here she is enjoying a big strawberry shake.
Selena Gomez Mickey Mouse
Mickey Mouse better not be enjoying himself too much. Selena is still just 16 years old.
Selena Gomez hot
Selena Gomez “hotter than she should be”.
Selena Gomez and David Henrie
Selena Gomez and Wizards of Waverly co-star David Henrie.
Selena Gomez hair
Gomez has some serious hair, here it is at it’s biggest.
Selena Gomez flower shopping
Selena Gomez flower shopping.
Selena Gomez fanmail
Ready to tackle some fan mail.
Selena Gomez Bikini
Selena Gomez looking fit in a bikini.
Selena Gomez Singing
Gomez singing on Disney. Selena will be releasing a record with Hollywood Records as part of a band (as opposed to a Miley Cyrus like solo effort).

why today is the worst day ever?

i have the baddest day ever that happened to school
i wanted to tell you all but i can't
its kinda of embarrassing 
its so hard to tell

and i don't know why that I'm the only one who gets this bad luck thing
i always pray and pray to GOD that today is a new day but its not
now I'm sad 

and just now at school I cried cause I'm so sad.....and desperate

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

what am i gonna do?

i don't wat 2 now 
I'm like so dam boring
if youre boring wat will you do

plzzzzzzzzzz live  a comment

Monday, April 19, 2010


Today I'm creating this blog cause I'm boring......
like so dam boring
i don't what else to do other then this......
the truth is
but on second thought i just creating an insult or a gossips about HOLLYWOOD CELEBS 
for me its kindda fun
i just want to make miley imbaress 
cause i hate her so much and i don't want anyone know about my life
except 2 all my viewers out there

enough of the gossips

Now its for you all to know about me, my family and also my friends
  • firstly,i just wanted to tell you all that my life is normal 
  • I'm not rich or poor.My life is just like an average girl, so please understand.
  • secondly,  all my life i wanted to be a singer, a model, an actress, but most of all i wanted to be a famous fashion designer.
  • but my parents said i have to finished my study first.
  • i'll wait for 7 years to be an actress but my mom won't let me
  • and sometimes i hate my life cause when i wanted to get anything my mom said yes 
  • then, my sister said "fiqah nie mengade2 la.kesian mama xde duit"
  • then my mom said "xpe, belilah mama blanje"
  • and then I've bought it and my sister is jealous of me
  • and sometimes i family hate my sister ok
  • because when i wanted something that is so creative and also useful my sister always said that I'm so membazir
  • they don't know anything about my life and they  can stay out of they life
  • if they have a problem i didn't ask anything about them
  • then if they ask anything about my life and my probs, then i didn't say anything
  • then they will tell that to my mom
  • i hate them so much(family hate)cause they always bothering me  about my life

15 Hottest Mother Daughter Combos in Show Business

Hollywood is not for want of beautiful women, or iconic show business families. There are however, much fewer attractive mother-daughter combinations than one would likely imagine. While we all know the more popular ones, there are some surprising examples, found when this topic was further investigated. Baring in mind, some of these women have passed (away or their prime), this list has been compiled to present the most beautiful mother-daughter combinations in Hollywood, even if their hotness was short-lived or long-gone.

Goldie Hawn – Kate Hudson

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These two are perhaps the most famous of the mother-daughter pairings in Hollywood. These days, most recognize Hawn s simply Kate Hudson’s mom, but judging from old pics from the early 1980s (or the 1970s as above), she was quite the looker. Hudson, definitely took after her mom in the looks department, and has carved out a leading woman career for herself. In 2004,  this pairing became a grandmother, and mother respectively – with the birth of Hudson’s son (fathered by The Black Crowes’ front man Chris Robinson) Ryder Russell Hudson

Peggy Lipton – Rashida Jones

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Peggy Lipton is best known for her role in the 1970s “The Mod Squad”. She married Prolific music producer Quincy Delight Jones in 1974, and gave birth to two daughters, Kidada (1974) and Rashida (1976). While the eldest daughter is probably best known for having been Tupac Shakur’s fianc when he passed away, Rashida followed in her mother’s acting footsteps. Since she started acting in 1997, she has become increasingly popular, mostly due to her role as Karen Filipelli on “The Office”, or for playing opposite Paul Rudd in I Love You, Man (2009).

Lisa Bonet – Zoe Kravitz

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When people found out that Lisa Bonet and Lenny Kravitz were having a child, they could only speculate about what their uber-attractive offspring would end up looking like. I think few people are surprised, and no one is disappointed. She looks like  a perfect combination of her parents.

Bebe Buell – Liv Tyler

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Bebe Buell was very similar to the “Penny Lane” character in Cameron Crowe’s Almost Famous (2000). Her list of famous musician lovers included: Todd Rundgren, Iggy Pop, David Bowie, Mick Jagger, Jimmy Page, Steven Tyler, Rod Stewart and Elvis Costello. She was also involved with Jack Nicholson at some time. during her il-lust-rious career. Her daughter, Liv Tyler (born 1977) was actually the biological daughter of Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler (as her name suggests), even though she believed Rundgren to be her father throughout the late 1980s. When Tyler finally got clean and sober, Buell and her daughter dropped the “ the way..” bomb on him. The two Tylers have enjoyed a close relationship since. The lips, we’re thinking, are a dead give away.

Marcheline Bertrand – Angelina Jolie

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Bertrand is definitely lesser known than her famous well-endowed and philanthropic starlet of a daughter; she was wed to Jon Voight from 1971-1978.  Their marriage produced the bearer of Hollywood’s most famous set of lips, and her brother, actor James Haven. Bertrand’s filmography was somewhat limited, and by the ealy 1980s she had moved on to pursue producing. While she sadly passed away two years ago, Bertrand is generally remembered in a positive light, and it is safe to say she was quite a looker herself during her youth.

Tippi Hedren – Melanie Griffith – Dakota Johnson

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The Hedren-Griffith-Johnson pedigree is definitely a forced to be reckoned with.  Hedren is probably best known for being part of John Hitchcock’s The Birds and Marnie;  Johnson is best known as the  much-lauded byproduct of Griffith’s brief marriage to Miami Vice star, Don Johnson. While Melanie Griffith has generated a fair amount of criticism for her appearance lately, it goes without saying that she was once hailed as one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood. Her daughter, Dakota, is certainly following in her footsteps.

Susan Sarandon – Eva Amurri

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While some people will say that Susan Sarandon has not aged that well, others claim that she is an earnest example of an aging starlet coming to terms  – without resorting to intense plastic surgery and over-the-top youth-yearning outfits. Suffice to say, there is little to argue about her scenes (especially the nude ones) in The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Amurri, her daughter, shows all the signs of following her mother’s footseps, most notably when it comes to the breast department.

Janet Leigh – Jamie Lee Curtis

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Janet Leigh is probably best known for having played the role of the blond bombshell that gets slayed in the shower – and subsequently bleeding chocolate syrup – in Hitchcock’s seminal suspense- thriller, Psycho. Her daughter, Jamie Lee Curtis, enjoyed a long Hollywood career as a leading lady, and got down to her essentials in True Lies (strip scene anyone?). While Leigh has since passed away, and Curtis has passed her prime, there is no sense in compiling this list without their inclusion.

Lisa Marie Presley – Riley Keough

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Similar to Jamie Lee Curtis, Lisa Marie Presley lost her hotness a long time ago. We’re speculating that it had a lot to do with her untimely marriage to everyone’s favorite freak, Michael Jackson, during the mid 1990s. But I’d be lying if I said that (at one time) thoughts of her going to town on my own graceland did not get me at least at half mass. Her daughter on the other hand, is smoooookoing. It’s just a bummer she’s dating Ashley Parker Angel, or Ryan Cabrera or whatever that douchebag’s name is.

Demi Moore – Rumor Willis

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Ok, it goes without saying that Demi Moore is the all-time hottest MILF in Hollywood. At least for me, anyways. Have you ever seen her in Striptease? Game over. But with that said, it would be hard to imagine the apple falling far from the tree. Moore’ daughter with noted bad ass, Bruce Willis, is now hitting the Hollywood club semi-actress scene, and it seems that she is gradually becoming more attractive. While each makeover and minor plastic surgery procedure is bringing her closer to”hotness”, we are including her in this list in good faith that she will one day move entirely away from her status as a butterface. Do us proud Rumor.

Janet Jones – Paulina Gretzky

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Wayne Gretzky was the perfect example of a nerd that was good at one thing. For most (Steve Jobs and Bill Gates) this means computers, but for Gretzky it meant Hockey – he is still currently the NHL’s all-time highest scorer. His wife was different: a corn-fed Midwestern beauty that went on to become a model, actress and fitness guru in the 1980s, she was perfect shoulder candy for “The Great One”. Their daughter,21 year old Paulina, is aspiring to be the next great Canadian songbird, and has been actively modeling since 2005. Rumor has it, she is also a scratch golfer, so for any men with a chance of dating her, it’s safe to take her to the course with you.

Bianca Jagger – Jade Jagger

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Mick Jagger was married to Bianca Jagger (Née Peréz-Mora Maricas)  from 1971 to 1979. During this time, the rocker and British-Nicaraguain model parented Jade (1971), who has gone on to enjoy a successful career as a model, and more recently, a jewelery designer. We think that she should have stuck to modeling – just look at that picture. In 1992, Jade herself gave birth to a daughter, Georgia, who sometime next year (may even make it onto the follow up to this list, per Hedren-Griffith-Johnson. Only time will tell…

Jerry Hall – Elizabeth Jagger

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Jerry Hall is perhaps best known as having been Mick Jagger’s (yes, Jagger again) long-time partner and Common Law wife, and with whom she gave birth to their four children. But during the height of her career, Hall was one of the most in-demand models in the world, often earning in excess of $1000/day. The eldest of her and Mick’s children, Jade was born in 1984 and is following in her mom and older half-sister’s footsteps as a model. In 2002, she added “actress” to her resumé,  with a supportive role in Igby Goes Down, and she continues to do print work – most recently with French-based Lancôme.

Colleen Farrington – Diane Lane

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Diane Lane is that actress that for some reason is much hotter than her name sounds. For some reason, “Diane” sounds like she should be one of your mom’s overweight friends. Lane, however, is definitelooker even at the ripe age of 44. What al ot of people don’t know about her, is that her  mother was a famous playmate during the nascent stages of Playboy. Farrignton went on to pursue a career in lounge-singing and more modelling after having been the magazine’s Playmate of the Month in October 1957. Pictures from this issue are available online, and we suggest you do a Google image search for more information.

Pearl Lowe – Daisy Lowe

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Pearl Lowes was known as the lead singer for 1990s rock bands, Powder and Lodger, but perhaps she is most famous for having bore Gavin Rosdale’s first child via a one-night stand (Sorry, Gwen). Since becoming a mother (of Daisy, above), Pearl decided to pursue modeling and textile/fashion designing. Only 39 herself, she gave birth to Daisy in 1989. Like her mother, the younger Lowes is currently generating a fair amount of attention as a model, having been featured in “Harpar’s Bazaar”, “W Magazine”, and Italian “Vogue”. She has something of a “Mandy Moore” thing going for her, and we are interesting in seeing her grace the covers of some more racier publications.


Sunday, April 18, 2010

EUWWWWWWWWW.......AND WHAT......!!!!!!!!!

Jennifer recently had some controversy when some photos surfaced of her looking a few pounds heavier than usual. She kind of flipped out, defending herself and all women saying “To all girls with butts, boobs, hips and a waist, put on a bikini—put it on and stay strong.”
A side view shows that she wasn’t even that out of shape, it all just seems to go to her ass when she puts on a few pounds. And her boobs. There are worse places certainly.



Miley Cyrus Shower Wet T-Shirt picture hacked

miley cyrus wet t-shirt shower pic
The 1st of several Miley Cyrus shower pictures.
Miley Cyrus has been caught up in yet another photo scandal-this time at the hands of an internet hacker. A picture of the Hannah Montana star showering in a wet t-shirt has been leaked online after a hacker at accessed the actress’ cell phone memory. The hacker is presently shopping a series of naughty pictures of the teen to celebrity snitch sites.
Stay tuned for more Miley Cyrus shower pics. As they get released, PopCrunch will bring them to you first

where is the innocent nice old miley cyrus
or should i say hannah montana.

Sofia Vergara Picture Gallery

See below for over 18 of the best Sofia Vergara pictures online!
Modern Family is one of the best new sitcoms to come around in a long time and it’s largely because the creators got the humor/eye candy quotient exactly right. It’s funny and there’s plenty to look at for the guys. Plus I like to pretend that Ed O’Neal is actually still playing Al Bundy, only Al finally won the lottery, dumped Peg, and married Sofia Vergara. Modern Family really wraps up that character arc for me.
Sofia Vergara comes from Columbia, proving once again that South Americans pretty much have a monopoly on hot women. Check out these Vergara pics after the jump and tell me you don’t agree:

If you know of any other great Sofia Vergara pictures, post links to them in the comments section.