search for me n my secret

Saturday, July 3, 2010

she did what now?

She did something that no one will forget. She pushed Alina into a trash can. All the people in the cafeteria was laughing at her and, Alina starts to cry, ran away and go too the closet room. Eric is so mad at Layla so he's slap Layla's face off and Layla just walked and pretending that didn't happen. When Eric saw Alina crying, he try to make Alina feel better but Alina said that she hates him and left. Eric goes to see Layla, and Layla said
  "Oh, my Honey Boo is coming back for me! What are you doing here? And i just wanna say sorry to Alina and you're feel sorry to me too right? Cause you slap me in front of all the people in this school! You've forgive me right?"
  "I don't want to see your ******* faces again!" Eric shout.
  "Oh My God! you're getting naughtier than i thought you would be!"
  "Who are you? And why did you slap her face?!"
  "Why did i slap her face you ask? I slap her face cause she stole my hot boyfriend"
  "Don't you remember at the Junior Prom night?" Eric ask.
  "Yeah, i remember. Why? Do i look hot in the red hot dress?"
  "I've broke up with you! On a stage! Remember?"
  "I remember, but i pretend  that never happened. You ask me too."
  "Look, this is the last conversation of  you and me. This time we really over! And its true me and Alina is having a great and happy relationship. I'm happier with her than you!"

When Alina gets out of the closet, every student in the school laugh at her and she wants to get out of the school. She ran and ran until not on purpose she hugged Eric and cried. So, Eric cuddled her and makes Alina feels better.Eric gave Alina a ride.That night, Eric was walking with her until she arrive at home.
  "Thanks for giving me a ride home Eric! I've really appriciate it. Even though that i said i hated you but, i've forgive you"
  "Your welcome and thanks for being my fake girlfriend. Its really fun."
  "HA HA, very funny! And thanks again for making me feel better and making me didn't feel bad about myself!"
Suddenly, Eric and Alina stared at each other for a long time. When Alina was smiling, his heart beats faster and faster just like Alina did. But, when Alina wants to go to her house, Eric pulled her arms and kissed her and said
  "When i kissed you, my heart beats faster and faster and i don't want my heart stops beating because the truth is i'd really really liked you and i just wants your answer. Do you except me as your real boyfriend?"
  "I........I.....What you've said to me is the same question i wanted to ask you and its true that my heart is beats faster and faster when i looked at you. So, my answer is YES! I would be your real girlfriend. But i can't."
  "WHAT?! Why?!" Eric cried.
  "Because if i ever in love with you, my dad would be mad at me and.......and......herggghhhh" Alina's gasp
  "What?! What?! Tell me!"
  "You have to know the truth and you have to promise me something that you will never forget me and you will never ever find another girl in your life!"
  "I've promise. I will keep your promise even if i died"
  "The truth is that.......that i'm"


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