search for me n my secret

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Interview Hikmah about the case of the Rocket accidents

There's a lips on his shirt and the lips is belongs to Hikmah.
When Syeikh Muzaphar Syukor already take off he saw and alien named: Alien Cipah, Alien Zubaidah an also Alien Ruzana and Natasya Asyikin.
Then when his taking off, he found a new planet and he name the planet is 'Planet Hikmah'
its their 5th anniversary. But they only have two children.
The Alien he saw was Alien Ruzana who named the Alien and also Alien Zubaidah.
Yes Syeikh Muzaphar Syukor was cheating Hikmah. Before that, they've having a fun time at Planet Hikmah.
Shindhujaa know about the Rocket accident. Before his taking off, he ask Hikmah for Permission. So, Hikmah said NO. At the outta space Syeikh Muzaphar Syulor saw a restaurant  and the name of the restaurant Pizza Hut and Secret Receipi. And yes Syeikh Muzaphar Syukor was cheating with Alien Ruzana and how did Ruzana turn into a human you ask? She injek-injek and botox there botox here and she get the antidote to become an Alien again at her own plane(Planet Pluto)
Hikmah is sad cause she saw Alien Ruzana bercouple-couple with Syeikh Muzaphar Syukor


Monday, July 5, 2010


She saw Eric was doing his job and Alina was sock cause she haven't seen Eric in 5 years now. Alina wanted to say something but she's can't. Cause she knows that Eric will never ever forgive her. But, she's still believed that Eric stills keeps her promise. Then, Alina said
  "Do you wanted to see me Eric i.....i mean sir?!"
  "Oh you, what was your name?"
She is so sad cause Eric is different and she is so sad cause Eric's ask about her name. When Eric ask her name, she's just ran and said that she's quit and said
  "How could you did this to me! I love you and I'm sorry that I'm not telling you the truth and I'm sorry for not excepting your love to me!"
  "I don't what you're talking about ma'am"
  "Why did you this kind of things to me."
  "Ms. Alina I'm sorry to that I've made you so mad until you have to shout. Just please Alina i will never ever forgive you."
  "You called me Alina"
  "Yes! But, you said you've wanna quit so, please go. Its your choice its not mine"
  "Fine! You've never change a bit and you've still didn't forgive me? You know what, just forget our promise between us. This time, I will never wanted to see your face again"



Sunday, July 4, 2010

OMG this is not a good confession TO MAKE!

  "I've.......I've...........ENGAGED! I'm sorry"
  "What! Are you serious?! Why you didn't tell me that earlier?!"
  "I was gonna......But we were so happy together and I've looked at your face.....Its just you're to happy and......I've didn't got the chance to say but......but......"
  "STOP!!!! I don't want to hear your explanation anymore. I understand, if you don't want to love me, just said so. Don't make a decisions that would make you regret at something. And I'm sorry that I've make you fall in love with me."
  "But.....Eric, I've really really Lo........"
  "Stop!!!!! Don't say a word. Again I'm sorry and i have a condition"
  "What kind of condition?"
  "The condition is, i will never talk to you again and you won't talk to me to. But, i will still keep your promise and i will promise myself that i will never stop loving you"
  "Please don't say like that, i thought you want me and you to be together forever. Even if something happen between us"
  "That's different Alina! You've already engaged and you didn't tell me earlier. That's what hurts me the most. When the first time i looked at you, I've fall in love with you. And when the seconded time i looked at you I've just wanna say that i love you, but, in my heart i thought you've really hated me but you're not. When this happens, you said to me that you're engaged my heart broke into peaces i just can't say that I've forgive you. I'm sorry i have to leave you and i will pretend that I've never seen your face again. Even if you looked at me I'll will ever looked at your stupid face again, i will pretend that you were never seen in my life! I'm sorry. I have to do this. I need sometime to think and to be alone"
  "Eric please!"
  "Why is your dad doesn't like me?"
  "Its.......Its because......"
  "Tell me the truth!"
  "Its because i said that i don't like that kind of a dirty boy. But i didn't said that you were dirty i didn't mean to. I'm sorry."
  "You hate me just because that i like to party and i like to have fun and that means I'm dirty?!"
  "I've didn't mean to say like that to my dad!"
  "So it is true you've said like that?"
  "I'm sorry......I just.....I......I....I don't know what to do. Its just that......"
  "Enough! I don't want to hear your voice again and i don't want to see your face again!!!!"
Alina cried and cried until she can't even sleep because she's can't forget about Eric.

5 years pass and Eric still keep the promise that Alina told him to. Alina already broke up with her fiance because she still in love with Eric. Alina's dad passed away 4 month earlier and Alina leave with her mom. At her mom's house, her mom got a job in UK but she doesn't want to take it. So, she gave the job to Alina. Alina got so excited, then, her face turns excited into sad. So, she said
  "I can't go mom!"
  "But why? This is a good job for you" Alina's mom cried.
  "Well, do you remember the guy i told you about"
  "Well, yeah why?!"
  "I've already promised him that i will never leave him."
  "I thought you've already forgot him and i thought you've already broke up with him"
  "Well i am but i can't"Alina cried
  "You have to take this job. Don't make it some kind of your regretted choice. I don't care what you said, you have to go there and worked there"
  "But......But mom"
  "I told you i don't care and you will have to go there and work for me"

3 days later, Alina's in UK. So, she go to the Fashions Holdings and make and interview. When she got the job. 1 week later, she's gettin' tired and tired working there. When she's asleep in her office, Her boss name Eric called her. She feels a little weird and a little nervous because

  1. She's is nervous because her boss named Eric
  2. She's nervous because her boss called her
  3. She's nervous because her boss wanted to see her
When she gets into Eric's office, she saw..........


Saturday, July 3, 2010

she did what now?

She did something that no one will forget. She pushed Alina into a trash can. All the people in the cafeteria was laughing at her and, Alina starts to cry, ran away and go too the closet room. Eric is so mad at Layla so he's slap Layla's face off and Layla just walked and pretending that didn't happen. When Eric saw Alina crying, he try to make Alina feel better but Alina said that she hates him and left. Eric goes to see Layla, and Layla said
  "Oh, my Honey Boo is coming back for me! What are you doing here? And i just wanna say sorry to Alina and you're feel sorry to me too right? Cause you slap me in front of all the people in this school! You've forgive me right?"
  "I don't want to see your ******* faces again!" Eric shout.
  "Oh My God! you're getting naughtier than i thought you would be!"
  "Who are you? And why did you slap her face?!"
  "Why did i slap her face you ask? I slap her face cause she stole my hot boyfriend"
  "Don't you remember at the Junior Prom night?" Eric ask.
  "Yeah, i remember. Why? Do i look hot in the red hot dress?"
  "I've broke up with you! On a stage! Remember?"
  "I remember, but i pretend  that never happened. You ask me too."
  "Look, this is the last conversation of  you and me. This time we really over! And its true me and Alina is having a great and happy relationship. I'm happier with her than you!"

When Alina gets out of the closet, every student in the school laugh at her and she wants to get out of the school. She ran and ran until not on purpose she hugged Eric and cried. So, Eric cuddled her and makes Alina feels better.Eric gave Alina a ride.That night, Eric was walking with her until she arrive at home.
  "Thanks for giving me a ride home Eric! I've really appriciate it. Even though that i said i hated you but, i've forgive you"
  "Your welcome and thanks for being my fake girlfriend. Its really fun."
  "HA HA, very funny! And thanks again for making me feel better and making me didn't feel bad about myself!"
Suddenly, Eric and Alina stared at each other for a long time. When Alina was smiling, his heart beats faster and faster just like Alina did. But, when Alina wants to go to her house, Eric pulled her arms and kissed her and said
  "When i kissed you, my heart beats faster and faster and i don't want my heart stops beating because the truth is i'd really really liked you and i just wants your answer. Do you except me as your real boyfriend?"
  "I........I.....What you've said to me is the same question i wanted to ask you and its true that my heart is beats faster and faster when i looked at you. So, my answer is YES! I would be your real girlfriend. But i can't."
  "WHAT?! Why?!" Eric cried.
  "Because if i ever in love with you, my dad would be mad at me and.......and......herggghhhh" Alina's gasp
  "What?! What?! Tell me!"
  "You have to know the truth and you have to promise me something that you will never forget me and you will never ever find another girl in your life!"
  "I've promise. I will keep your promise even if i died"
  "The truth is that.......that i'm"


Friday, July 2, 2010


Then, Eric saw Alina sitting on the kitchen floor. Eric was shocked. Then, Eric say
  "Hey! What's going on? Why are you sitting on the kitchen floor" Eric ask.
  "I just fell down and cracked the plate!"
  "Yeah-yeah very funny! HA HA!"
  "Hey, are you guys OK?" Alina's dad shout.
  "Yeah we're OK! Its just a fall" Alina shouted.
  "Let me helped you get up"
  "Thanks. NOT!"
After that, Eric just smiled and say that he liked this kind of girl. Not a spoiled BRAT, didn't complain anything or something like that.
The next day, Alina was eating breakfast, then she saw Eric was eating breakfast too. But, what's the weird think about her when she looked at Eric, her heart beats faster and faster, but, what she's thinking of when she      goes to school suddenly, her feelings about Eric was different. She hates him.
At recess, Eric suddenly hugged her and her heart beats faster.
  Then Alina said "What are you? a hobo?"
  "Remember our promise and our conditions?"
  "No, i don't remember?"
  "Oh common! You're just pretending that you're didn't remember anything. Your answer is like a questions."
  "OK fine, i remember! But i don't wanna do this anymore."
  "What?! Why?!"
  "Because i don't wanna make people feels a little regret about their decisions" 
  "Please, just once, helped people that you hate and that people is me"
  "Oh my GOD! There she is" Eric's Cried.
  "OK, kiss me!"
  "What! Please i don't wanna kiss your stinky lips!"
  "Kiss me or I'll force you to do it"
  "Well make me!"
 "OK." Then, Eric pulled her and kiss her.
2 weeks later, Alina's still didn't forget the kiss that Eric force her to do. Do you wanna know the truth? The truth is Alina's likes the kiss and pretending that she doesn't liked the kiss. OH MY GOD! That is so sweet.
After the kiss, Eric's ex-girlfriend Layla did something to Alina..........She did.....


Wednesday, June 30, 2010


There was this girl named Alina and a guy named Eric. They've goes to the same College and lived at the same neighbourhood. But, the problem is they've never ever seeing each other faces or even look at each other's eyes. Then, the next day Alina wants to go to school and Alina's dad said "did you bring pepper spray"
  Alina feel awkward and weird. But she knew that something bad will happen. Its 7.24 a.m. and Alina was rushing out to get ready for school. When she was eating breakfast, she saw Eric was listening to music while eating breakfast. When Alina look at him, her heart beats faster and faster. She's just can't stop looking at Eric, and never knew there was a hot guy with six pads was living in her neighbourhood. Alina's dad was talking to his boss on the phone and her dad said "aren't you going somewhere?"
  Alina stops wandering and she's chasing for the bus. Eric saw her running towards the bus and he just looking at her and smiling. He didn't do anything! He's just smiles and listening to some metal rock music.
   How Alina's goes to school? She takes a cab and feels very angry about this morning. When she's about to get out of the cab, she's forgot to bring cash and the taxi's driver shouting at her and said "hey where's my money"
  "I forgot to bring money?" Alina's ask him or telling him.
Suddenly Eric pays for her and said "This is the money for this morning"
  "How could you do this to me" Alina's cried.
  "I'll pay you the money and you'll go out with me" Eric said.
  "What......?! What the......." Alina's gasp.
  "Are you bribing me?"Alina's ask.
  "Well lets just say that you're going out with  me just for a reason"
  "A reason? What kind of reason?" Alina's ask again
  "I'm trying to make my girlfriends jealous and she said maybe just maybe she said she needs to think that she wants to break up with me or not"
  "So......?" Alina's interrupt.
  "So, you have to pretend that you're going out with me and pretend to be my NEW girlfriends" Eric smiled.
  "Why would i going on a pretend date with a kind of a guy like you?" Alina's joking.
  " Why you ask...? Because your dad invites me to your house for dinner"
  "What.....?! You're joking!" Alina's shouts.
Then Eric left just like that and didn't said a word.
  At Alina's house at night, they was someone at the door. It was Eric and his family. What was Eric said just now at school was the truth. He wasn't kidding. Alina's was shocked and she made the angry face again.
  When Eric, his family and Alina's dad named Johnna was waiting for dinner, suddenly there was a loud crash sound and its coming from the kitchen. Eric wanted to see what was happening and he saw........


Thursday, April 29, 2010

Paris Hilton -- Old Reliable

There is something safe and comforting about seeing Paris Hilton party it up in Las Vegas like the free and single woman that she is.

To further hearken back to her heyday, Paris was joined at Vanity in the Hard Rock by sister Nicky, greasy BFF Brandon Davis, and Lil Jon.

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